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What is Ukioy-e?
Artistic Japan – Le Japon Artistique
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Museum Japanese Woodblock Prints
fine quality and rare Japanese woodblock prints
Actors with Snow
Barometer of Emotions
Battle of Cats and Mice
Beautiful Women and Fancy Dishes in Tokyo
Biographies of Modern Men
Biographies of Valiant Drunken Tigers
Celebration of Gallantry
Collection of Desires
Crazy Pictures of Famous Places in Tokyo
Eight Views from Fine Tales of Warriors
Famous Fights Between Brave Men
Famous Places of the Tokaido
Fan Tokaido
Firemen's Standards of all Great Districts
Four Seasons at their Height
Handsome and Brave Heroes of the Suikoden
Historical Biographies of the Loyal Retainers
Mirror of Beauties Past and Present
Mirror of Famous Generals of Japan
Modern "Journey to the West"
Modern Celebrities of the East
Moon and Flowers
Moral Lessons through Pictures of Good and Evil
One Hundred Aspects of the Moon
One hundred ghost stories of China and Japan
Personalities of Recent Times
Portraits of True Loyalty and Chivalrous Spirit
Postal News
Pride of Tokyo's Twelve Months
Selection of One Hundred Warriors
Strong Heroes of the Water Margin
Tale of the Forty-Seven Rōnin
Tales of the Floating World on Eastern Brocade
Theater Alphabet of True Forms
Thirty-Two Aspects of Customs and Manners
Twenty-Eight Famous Murders with Verse
Twenty-Four Hours at Shinbashi and Yanagibashi
Yoshitoshi's Courageous Warriors
#3 – Yoshida Chuzaemon (Kanesuke).
#5 – Horibe Yahei (Kanamaru)
#7 Onodera Koemon Fujiwara no Hidetomi breaking through a snow covered fence.
#8 Isogai Jurosaemon Fujiwara no Masahisa (the print incorrectly gives his name as Isoai) protecting himself from arrows behind a tatami.
#11 – Chikamatsu Kanroku Minamoto no Yukishige behind a stone lantern.
#12 Yagagoro Uemon Fujiwara Sketake
#18 – Okano Kinuemon Fujiwara no Kinehide standing beside a wooden pillar, his unsheathed sword covered in blood.
#24 – Mase Magokuro Minamoto no Masatatsu with a severed head on the head of his sword.
#27 Kurahashi Densuke Kiyohara no Takeyuki flashing a lantern.
#30 – Senzaki Yagaro minamoto no Noriyasu slaying an opponent.
#31 Hayano Wasuke Fujiwara no Tsuneshige (Kayano Wasuke) holding a severed head, a servent lying in front of him.
#42 Okata Sademon Fugiwara Yukitaki
46 – Uramatsu Sandayu (Takanao).
Yata Gorozaemon (Suketake) No number.
Yazama Shinroku Fujiwara no Mitsukaze (Hazama Shinroku) kills one of Kira’s retainers. No number.
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