
Artist: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi
Woodblock Print Name: Meiō
Series Number: #2
Date: 1864/12
Description: This persona's name translates (roughly) to 'Dark King'; he may be King Yama. Keyes describes the print to which he gave this number as "Monkey appears before the king of hell"; this print would appear to be the print he is referring to, except that the date on this one is clearly 1864/12, and he records the date of #2 as being 1864/11. Perhaps he simply made an error? Or perhaps this print has been mis-identified, and his #2 is possibly #16, or one of the others? It is also, of course, possible that he was referring to a print which we do not yet have an image of.
Series: Modern "Journey to the West"
Yoshitoshi - Meiō - Modern

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