Title : The Rock of Jokadj, Ponape, East Carolines 148/150
Artist : Paul Jacoulet
Date : 1936
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Source :
Robyn Buntin of Honolulu
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Description : The rock formation in the background of this print is one of the most famous landmaks of the South Seas. Jacoulet drew it in many positions, and selected an imaginary subject to place in front of it. The costume, head-piece and flowers in the background are accurate in every detail, but the young lady who posed was transformed by the carver Kentaro Maeda into a far more exotic creature than she actually was. At this time Jacoulet was spending most of his time with the European ex-patriates in the islands, and using their servants as models for his imaginative reconstruction of the life of the local population of the villages. These villagers not only forgave the young Frenchman for exaggerating reality, but welcomed him as a sympathetic friend. Numbered in Japanese in back of print. Excerpt from Miles, Richard - "The Prints of Paul Jacoulet" pp.96-97. Rarely seen print.
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