Title : Le Bossu. Otaru, Hokkaido
Artist : Paul Jacoulet
Date : 1952
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Source :
Robyn Buntin of Honolulu
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Description : The Hunchback. Otaru, Hokkaido Comment by Richard Miles: The proceeds of this print went to the dowry of the crippled daughter of printer Yoshiro Onodera. Jacoulet noticed this hunchback in Hokkaido, and posed him in front of stylized but typical mountains of northern Japan. While Honda was working on the Dedication Set of Ebisu & Daikoku, Onodera was carrying the burden of printing for the subscriber list. When the artist realized that the daughter of his printer would have better opportunities for marriage with a substantial dowry, he created this print for her. At approximately five dollars apiece, nearly seven hundred dollars was raised, but the young man arranged for Onodera's daughter was unfortunately not impressed with money. PJ elaborate seal on verso. Richard Miles, "The Prints of Paul Jacoulet," #121, pp.75, 116.
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