Title : Somekawa Koz?shi and Ichikawa Danj?r? II as a Merchant Trying to Seduce a Young Girl
Artist : Torii Kiyoshige
Date : ca. 1720–1729
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Legion of Honor
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Description : Torii Kiyoshige, Japanese, active 1724–1764 Emiya (publisher), Japanese, active 18th century Somekawa Koz?shi and Ichikawa Danj?r? II as a Merchant Trying to Seduce a Young Girl, ca. 1720–1729 Woodcut with hand-coloring, metallic pigments, and ?lacquer? Image: 283 x 149 mm (11 1/8 x 5 7/8 in.); Sheet: 293 x 149 mm (11 9/16 x 5 7/8 in.) Gift of Miss Carlotta Mabury 54755.24
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