Title : Suehiro 53 Stations of Tokaido - Ejiri
Artist : Utagawa Kuniteru
Date : 1865.
Details : Utagawa Kuniteru: Suehiro 53 Stations of Tokaido - Ejiri - Artelino
Source :
artelino - Japanese Prints
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Description : From the series, "Suehiro Gojusan Tsugi" (Suehiro Fifty-three Stations of Tokaido). The main theme of this series is quite similar to that of "Shogun Tokaido". A long procession of a "daimyo" (feudal lord) is traveling on the Tokaido Highway. The picture designs were also contributed by different artists such as Hiroshige II, Kuniteru and Yoshitoshi showing variety of styles and view points.
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