Title : Nuregami Chogoro 濡髪長五郎, Hanaregoma Chokichi 放駒長吉, Chokichi ane Oseki 長吉姉お関
Artist : Utagawa Kunisada II
Date : 1857
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Source :
British Museum
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Description : Colour woodblock print, oban triptych. The kabuki actors (from right) Nakamura Fukusuke I as the sumo wrestler Nuregami Chogoro, Ichikawa Ichizo III as his rival Hanaregoma Chokichi and Ichikawa Danzo VI as Chokichi’s elder sister Oseki (‘Chokichi ane Oseki’), in the play ‘Hana no iro futatsu chocho’ (壮色双喋喋) ; performed at the Morita-za in the 8th month of 1857(Ansei 4).
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