Artist : Kubo Shunman
Date : 1787
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Source :
Richard Kruml
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Description : Chobu, Province of Musashi from an exquisite set of six prints showing graceful young women, girls and, in two instances, young men representing the Six Crystal ( Tama ) Rivers. These streams were noted for the purity of their water. The prints are in benigirai style, “red avoiding”, a technique pioneered by Shunman, Eishi and Shuncho. Shows a girl washing stripes of cloth in the stream. In fact, this design conjoins with the following in the set of six prints. Shunman, a man of great sophistication, designed only a few prints before concentrating on surimono and printing and issuing some of the finest in this format. ( See The Japanese Print A New Approach, J. Hillier, pp. 102 – 104: “Probably no artist except Choki has achieved so high a reputation on such a small number of prints.” ) He also excelled at painting, book illustration and light verse. Published by Fushimiya Zenroku, c 1787. ( A later edition was issued by Tsutaya with less harmonious colours. ) One of the most beautiful 18th century sets, and together with a night triptych showing people returning from a poetry reading, is considered his masterpiece. Rare. Fine impression with some blind printing. Very good colour: printed only in tones of grey, light yellow and light pink, with touches of light red on the tree’s leaves. Very small repaired wormhole, otherwise extremely good condition with extra paper at left. Probably untrimmed ( whereas illustrated examples all seem to be trimmed somewhere ). Signed Shunman with Shunman seal. Status: Sold
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