Vol. 3

Woodblock Prints Title: One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji, Vol.3 (Fugaku hyakkei)

Publication: 1849

Size: Hanshibon, 22.8 x 16 cm (9 x 6 5/16 in.)

Publisher: Nishimura Yûzô, Nishimuraya Yohachi (Eijudô), Kadomaruya Jinsuke (Shûseikaku), Eirakuya Tôshirô (Tôhekidô)

Signature: n/a


This is the 1st edition, with red cover and green title. Press the click to read button to access the complete album below :

Estimated Value: Ref # EHON18

Hokusai - Vol. 3 - 100 Views of Mt Fuji (3 Volumes)

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