Kajiwara Genda Kagesuye stopping to tighten his horse’s girth, and so allowing Sasake Takatsuna to get across the Uji river first in 1184 (from the Tale of Heike: Japanese story) (Sasaki Takatsuna Kajiwara Kagesue Ujigawa Senjin (from Heike Monogatari))

佐々木高綱 梶原景季 宇治川先陣(平家物語より)


Artist: Utagawa Hiroshige
Series: Scenes from Chinese and Japanese History 1835-40

Date: 1835-40
Publisher: Fujiokaya Hikotarō (Fujihiko) Shōgendō
Format: Horizontal ōban

Hiroshiges - Kajiwara Genda Kagesuye stopping to tighten his horse’s girth, and so allowing Sasake Takatsuna to get across the Uji river first in 1184 (from the Tale of Heike: Japanese story) (Sasaki Takatsuna Kajiwara Kagesue Ujigawa Senjin (from Heike Monogatari)) - Scenes from Chinese and Japanese History 1835-40

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