Rain at Ushibori
Artist: Kawase Hasui
Name: Rain at Ushibori
Date: 1929
Description: Japanese Woodblock by Hasui ‘Rain at Ushibori’ (1929) Beautiful canal/rain scene with bijin under umbrella aboard a small boat by Hasui Kawase (1887-1957) titled “Ame no Ushibori” (translates as “Rain at Ushibori”) and margin-dated originally as “Showa 4, Ju-ichi-gatsu” (or 1929, November). One of 16 Hasui images originally published during 1929 and 1930 by Kawaguchi & Sakai, 14 of which remain available today?a posthumous edition struck off of the original blocks. Published by Shobisha Publisher who acquired the blocks when K & S dissolved in 1931. Circa likely 1990’s. The workmanship in both carving and printing is simply superb?very nice gradation of colors (“bokashi”) virtually throughout print with various shadings of grays, tans, and blues. Print is in absolute pristine condition?no tears, no stains, no fading. Great image!! Image measures 10 3/8 x 14 3/4 inches.