Muroto Peninsula, Tosa — 土佐室戸岬

Artist: Kawase Hasui

Name: Muroto Peninsula, Tosa — 土佐室戸岬

Date: 1974

Description: 川瀬巴水 土佐室戸岬 木版画 浮世絵版画刊行会。 大きさ(単位:cm)作品16×24. Dating of this chuban series (note from Ross Walker): a note included with a set I purchased includes the date of 1974. This chuban series actually included 10 prints: the 8 Hasui scenes as well as two bijin-ga scenes by Yamakawa Shuho (chuban-sized versions of two of his oban-sized pre-war prints). See the full series here.

Hasui Kawase - Muroto Peninsula, Tosa — 土佐室戸岬

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