Title : Segawa Michisaburo and Segawa Michinosuke as Oiso no Tora and Kaiwazaka no Shosho Performing a Pony Dance, from an untitled series of double portraits of actors
Artist : Utagawa Toyokuni I
Date : ca. 1798–1800
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Source :
Legion of Honor
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Description : Utagawa Toyokuni, Japanese, 1769–1825 Nishimuraya Yohachi (Eijudo) (publisher), Japanese Segawa Michisaburo and Segawa Michinosuke as Oiso no Tora and Kaiwazaka no Shosho Performing a Pony Dance, from an untitled series of double portraits of actors, ca. 1798–1800 Color woodcut with gray background Image: 372 x 250 mm (14 5/8 x 9 13/16 in.) Cropped Gift of Miss Carlotta Mabury 54755.317
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